person in black shirt with blonde hair reaching arms out on a diagonal

Jennifer McQuiston Lott enjoys a varied career as a dancer, choreographer, teacher, director and curator. She is an Associate Professor at the University of Southern California Kaufman School of Dance and a certified instructor of Countertechnique, Gyrotonic, and Gyrokinesis.

In 2012, Lott & Brent Whitney launched the Traverse City Dance Project, a seasonal company for professional dance artists in Traverse City, MI. Now celebrating its twelfth season, the TCDP has performed works by Jodie Gates, Gerald Arpino, Karole Armitage, Mauro de Candia and John Utans, and commissioned 18 new ballets, many accompanied by original, live music. In addition to her role as resident choreographer, Lott curates the TCDP's NewVo Fellowship, which pairs emerging to mid-career choreographers and music artists to create new works.,


Open Int/Adv Countertechnique with Jennifer Lott

Jen Lott: Oct 15, 29, Nov 12, Dec 3 @ 10-11:30am

Venmo @Jennifer-Lott 
