Hailing from a suburban town near Yokohama, Japan, Shu Kinouchi is a ballet dancer and multifaceted artist. He began his training at the Mayumi Kinouchi Ballet Studio at the age of 3, and went on to train at the Hamburg Ballet. As a teen he was a member of the Studio Company at the esteemed American Ballet Theatre in New York City. He has been a company dancer of Benjamin Millipied's contemporary company L.A. Dance Project since 2020. With LADP, he has performed works from Benjamin Millepied, Bobbi Jene Smith and Or Schraiber, Janie Taylor, Jill Johnson, Madeoine Hollander, Dimitri Chamblas, Salia Sanou, and Bella Lewitzky, and at the Theatre du Chatelet, La Seine Musicale in Paris, Sydney Opera House, at the Joyce in NYC, and Museum of Islamic Art and East West/West East in Qatar and more. Recent creations include choreography in collaboration with Janie Taylor, former principal ballerina New York City Ballet, for an evening for Martha Becket’s Amargosa Opera House 56th anniversary. His next solo performance piece "This Could Be You" has been workshopped at Dancer Create at LADP. He has collaborated with chairs of Shin Okuda from WAKAWAKA, and made and performed a solo evening dance theater “SHU LOVES CHAIRS a piece about support” with Carrie Braver.
