Forward Looking Back—film screening | conceived by Rebecca Lemme, co-directed and shot by Malachi Middleton | feat. Orlando Agawin, Laura Berg, Cody Brunelle-Potter, Joan Fricke, Kearian Giertz, Kayla Ann Marie Johnson, Kaia Makihara, Ryan Ruiz, Taylor Worden
reframe—work in progress showing | feat. Natalie Allen, Arletta Anderson, Colleen Hendricks, and Kaelie Osorio
facilitated discussion with Rebecca Lemme + Kevin Williamson
We are fundraising to support the performing artists and Founder + Artistic Director Rebecca Lemme after the loss of her home in the Eaton Fire.
You can purchase TICKETS to the event, DONATE to the fundraiser without purchasing.
AOM website for more information.
7:30pm doors/bar
8:00pm show