REHEARSAL is a works-in-progress performance series that offers artists the chance to present for up to 30 minutes, followed by an hour of feedback from a cohort of artists, facilitated by Sophia Cleary.
REHEARSAL is for Artists who...
✩Want to try something out in a safe space
✩Want to write/choreograph through improvising in front of an audience
✩Are in a developmental stage of their work and are looking for feedback
✩Are in need of a boost to push their work to the next level/stage
✩Crave structured feedback from a range of voices
✩Like the idea of an open mic but are horrified by the 3-5 minute limitation
✩Are past hermetic rehearsal stage but are not yet ready to premiere the work
✩Are traumatized from art school crits (lol)
✩Write/think about performance
✩Desire the community of a built-in cohort
This workshop is open to all performance makers …. visual artists, clowns, comedians, singers, dancers, mimes, musicians and MORE! 🤡even (ESPECIALLY) if it’s your first time 😏
Sophia Cleary is an interdisciplinary artist focused on performance and liveness. Making her work through the lens of the fool, or trickster, Sophia uses play as a method and critical position to engage her audience in a system where power dynamics necessarily shift. Drawing upon her life experience as a birth doula, waiter, standup comedian, and analyst for a private investigator, Sophia explores the nature of relationships, vulnerability and authenticity. In her live performance work, she focuses on the space between performer and audience as an aperture that restricts or expands and uses humor as a lubricant to mirror, respond to, or disrupt the status quo. In her current work, Sophia teases out the theatricality embedded in disciplinary systems that control and condition the body. From readymades to monologues, she addresses the stakes of live performance and lays bare its attending contracts and procedures.