Join us as we launch a new iteration of our “VOICES” series, reimagined for our community, by our community. WHAT’S YOUR STORY? Apply now through March 21st. Our communities are under direct attack with the new administration in office and we will continue to exist regardless of their views. WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED & WE WILL NOT BE ERASED. We need each other now more than ever, so whether you see yourself in the show or volunteering for it, it begins with us. Questions? Email: [email protected]
MISSION: Produced by Derrick Paris and the SGLA team, the "VOICES" series aims to uplift underrepresented artists in historically marginalized communities to provide a platform for them to showcase work in a professional, communal and supportive environment. This platform is geared towards showcasing work from artists with the understanding that all participants whether behind the scenes, producers, choreographers, performers, etc are all here to support, lift and promote each other's artistry in a low stakes and celebratory environment. "VOICES" acts in response to the current climate in which our represented communities are living, and base our curation of each production to best serve these communities based on what's occurring in our world. VOICES has always been a celebration of identity, not a justification — a space where you don’t have to prove your worthiness to anyone.